Australian Hotel

Item details

Name of item: Australian Hotel
Type of item: Built
Group/Collection: Commercial
Category: Hotel
Location: Lat: -33.8596807109 Long: 151.2070376890
Primary address: 100-104 Cumberland Street, The Rocks, NSW 2000
Parish: St Philip
County: Cumberland
Local govt. area: Sydney
Local Aboriginal Land Council: Metropolitan
Property description
Lot/Volume CodeLot/Volume NumberSection NumberPlan/Folio CodePlan/Folio Number
LOT1 DP777656


All addresses
Street AddressSuburb/townLGAParishCountyType
100-104 Cumberland StreetThe RocksSydneySt PhilipCumberlandPrimary Address


Organisation NameOwner CategoryDate Ownership Updated
Place Management NSWState Government 

Statement of significance:

The Australian Hotel and site are of State heritage significance for their historical and scientific cultural values. The site and building are also of State heritage significance for their contribution to The Rocks area which is of State Heritage significance in its own right. Its inclusion of the registers of the Nation Trust and National Estate demonstrate the esteem it is held in by the wider community. The Australian Hotel and shops has social significance in its traditional role as a meeting place and abode of working men within the Rocks area, and continues to provide the service for which it was designed to not only the local residents but also to visitors to the area.

The Australian Hotel is significant as a largely intact example of the public houses that were built in The Rocks from the establishment of the Colony and part of a suite of buildings, which demonstrate changing social and drinking habits over time. It is also likely to have a high degree of social significance as a traditional meeting place and abode of working men within The Rocks area and it continues to provide the service for which it was designed.

Its form and siting reflects the 1903 Hickson, Davis and Vernon planning scheme, designed to improve the hygiene and amenity of The Rocks inhabitants following the 1900 plague outbreak. It has landmark qualities on a prominent site at the corner of Cumberland and Gloucester Streets.

The building is an attractive and well-resolved example of Edwardian hotel architecture, with quality finishes, fabric and details. The building has a high degree of intact fabric and details and integrity. The combination of hotel and shops in one architectural treatment and the two level bar demonstrates an innovative response to the characteristics of the site and the needs of the community at the time.
The archaeological resources within the site are also highly significant. Relating to the occupation of the site prior to changes for the 1903 planning scheme and construction of the Hotel, they provide a rare opportunity in conjunction with other sites, to study an early and significant community in the development of Sydney and the State.
(NSW Government Architect’s Office. 2006)
Date significance updated: 30 Mar 11
Note: The State Heritage Inventory provides information about heritage items listed by local and State government agencies. The State Heritage Inventory is continually being updated by local and State agencies as new information becomes available. Read the Department of Premier and Cabinet copyright and disclaimer.


Construction years: 1914-1915
Physical description: Style: Italianate; Storeys: 2 & basement; Facade: Brick; Side Rear Walls: Brick; Internal Walls: Plaster; Roof Cladding: Iron; Floor Frame: cement floor - basement, timber -ground and first; Ceilings: Decorative pressed metal
Physical condition and/or
Archaeological potential:
Archaeology Assessment Condition: Partly disturbed. Assessment Basis: The watching brief indicated that the archaeological resource was well preserved, particularly in the form of architectural elements. Floor plans of the terrace houses in Gloucester Street were obtained, the foundations being preserved in situ beneath the floor of the shop. Some architectural elements were encountered under the Cumberland St shop although these were disturbed as little as possible, retaining them for future investigation. Investigation: Watching Brief
Date condition updated:27 Apr 01
Modifications and dates: There have been only minor structural changes to the building and minor changes in the use of the building from 1929 to 1974 (for more information see the Conservation Study).
In 1991-1992 an extensive program of conservation works was carried out. The Cumberland Street shop was rebuilt within the existing shell after fire damage, using evidence from the Gloucester Street shop. The hotel and Gloucester Street shop required structural and fire safety upgrading, and the hotel's ground floor public rooms were refurbished. The exterior was repainted in the original 1920s colour scheme. (SCRA Annual Report 1992, verbal advice from Scott Robertson)
Approval was granted in 1999 for 104 Cumberland Street (shop) to operate as a kitchen and restaurant in association with the hotel. It is proposed that bedroom accommodation on the first floor of the shop will be connected to existing bedrooms and facilities above the hotel. This will allow the reinstatement of the ladies parlour in the upper bar. (Verbal advice from Susan Duyker)
Further information: The hotel still retains many of its original features including the saloon bar, etched signage and pressed metal ceilings.
Current use: Hotel - Shop
Former use: Aboriginal land, town lot, Hotel - shop and residence


Historical notes: The "Eora people" was the name given to the coastal Aborigines around Sydney. Central Sydney is therefore often referred to as "Eora Country". Within the City of Sydney local government area, the traditional owners are the Cadigal and Wangal bands of the Eora. There is no written record of the name of the language spoken and currently there are debates as whether the coastal peoples spoke a separate language "Eora" or whether this was actually a dialect of the Dharug language. Remnant bushland in places like Blackwattle Bay retain elements of traditional plant, bird and animal life, including fish and rock oysters (Anita Heiss, "Aboriginal People and Place", Barani: Indigenous History of Sydney City

With the invasion of the Sydney region, the Cadigal and Wangal people were decimated but there are descendants still living in Sydney today. All cities include many immigrants in their population. Aboriginal people from across the state have been attracted to suburbs such as Pyrmont, Balmain, Rozelle, Glebe and Redfern since the 1930s. Changes in government legislation in the 1960s provided freedom of movement enabling more Aboriginal people to choose to live in Sydney (Anita Heiss, "Aboriginal People and Place", Barani: Indigenous History of Sydney City

The site is known to have been built upon by the 1820s, although it is likely that, like the other ridges of The Rocks, it was occupied by the encampment of settlers in the first weeks of the arrival of the First Fleet in 1788. Terrace houses occupied the site from the c1840s until the construction of the hotel complex in 1914.

The original Australian Hotel, leased to John Murray, was situated at 116 Cumberland Street on land contained within the Observatory Hill Resumed Area. In 1907 plans were made to realign Cumberland Street which included the demolition of the hotel. In 1911, Murray made an application for the erection of a new hotel, to be built be either by the Government or himself. The site on the corner of Cumberland Street and Gloucester Street was chosen.

In 1912, Murray was granted a lease for the new hotel, operative as of 1 January 1913. Prior to construction, however, the 50 year lease was transferred to Reschs Ltd. The residential buildings on the site were demolished by 1914 and construction of the new hotel completed towards the end of that same year. On 8 May 1914 the Municipal Council approved the construction of a two storey hotel plus cellar and two shops adjoining (one in Cumberland Street and one in Gloucester Street), the plans having been prepared for and submitted to Council by Reschs Ltd. The structure was two storeys in height with brick walls and an iron roof. A basement, or cellar, was located beneath the split level saloon bar. Two shops were also built on the site, one of which (fronting Cumberland Street) was used as a grocery store.

In 1915, Reschs Ltd sublet the hotel to John Upjohn who was later convicted of selling adulterated rum. Reschs Ltd merged with Tooth & Co. Ltd in 1931 and the lease was transferred to Tooth & Co. Ltd, with Upjohn remaining licensee until 1939. In 1948, the whole of the ground floor was renovated and in 1955, the hotel was reroofed. Upon the expiration of the 50 year lease in 1963, Tooth & Co. Ltd stayed on as monthly tenants. Under the Sydney Cove Redevelopment Authority Act of 1968, the hotel and surrounding area came under the jurisdiction of the Authority.

In 1991-1992 an extensive program of conservation works was carried out, including the rebuilding of the Cumberland Street shop within the existing shell after fire damage (Adapted from NSW Government Architect's Office. 2006)

Historic themes

Australian theme (abbrev)New South Wales themeLocal theme
1. Environment-Tracing the evolution of a continent's special environments Environment - naturally evolved-Activities associated with the physical surroundings that support human life and influence or shape human cultures. Changing the environment-
3. Economy-Developing local, regional and national economies Agriculture-Activities relating to the cultivation and rearing of plant and animal species, usually for commercial purposes, can include aquaculture (none)-
3. Economy-Developing local, regional and national economies Commerce-Activities relating to buying, selling and exchanging goods and services Innkeeping-
3. Economy-Developing local, regional and national economies Commerce-Activities relating to buying, selling and exchanging goods and services (none)-
3. Economy-Developing local, regional and national economies Environment - cultural landscape-Activities associated with the interactions between humans, human societies and the shaping of their physical surroundings Developing local, regional and national economies-National Theme 3
4. Settlement-Building settlements, towns and cities Accommodation-Activities associated with the provision of accommodation, and particular types of accommodation – does not include architectural styles – use the theme of Creative Endeavour for such activities. (none)-
4. Settlement-Building settlements, towns and cities Towns, suburbs and villages-Activities associated with creating, planning and managing urban functions, landscapes and lifestyles in towns, suburbs and villages 20th century Suburban Developments-
8. Culture-Developing cultural institutions and ways of life Creative endeavour-Activities associated with the production and performance of literary, artistic, architectural and other imaginative, interpretive or inventive works; and/or associated with the production and expression of cultural phenomena; and/or environments that have inspired such creative activities. Architectural styles and periods - Federation Arts and Crafts-
8. Culture-Developing cultural institutions and ways of life Creative endeavour-Activities associated with the production and performance of literary, artistic, architectural and other imaginative, interpretive or inventive works; and/or associated with the production and expression of cultural phenomena; and/or environments that have inspired such creative activities. Interior design styles and periods - Edwardian-
8. Culture-Developing cultural institutions and ways of life Creative endeavour-Activities associated with the production and performance of literary, artistic, architectural and other imaginative, interpretive or inventive works; and/or associated with the production and expression of cultural phenomena; and/or environments that have inspired such creative activities. Applying architectural design to utlilitarian structures-
8. Culture-Developing cultural institutions and ways of life Leisure-Activities associated with recreation and relaxation (none)-

Assessment of significance

SHR Criteria a)
[Historical significance]
The Australian Hotel is historically significant because the complex and site followed the precepts of the 1903 Hickson, Davis and Vernon planning scheme, designed to improve the hygiene and amenity of The Rocks inhabitants following the 1900 plague outbreak. The relocation of the hotel and the whole development provides evidence of the town planning principles and the prevailing concepts of public health and amenity of the period.
The Australian Hotel is also historically significant because it provides evidence of past and current leisure activities in NSW. It is one of the last purpose built hotels in The Rocks. The building is an important remaining example of the public houses built in The Rocks from the establishment of the Colony. The Australian Hotel, in conjunction with these earlier hotels, is part a suite of buildings that demonstrate changing social and drinking habits over time. Substantially intact purpose-built hotels of this period are rare, as most have been altered as a result of changing licensing laws and drinking habits.
The site’s changing use reflects the urban, economic and social development of the area. The site also reflects the lifestyles of the working and lower middle classes during the early twentieth century. The site also is indicative of the consistent two-storey scale of the area, which predominated in the vicinity prior to construction of the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
The shop at 87 Gloucester Street is an almost intact example of an Edwardian shop. The whole building, designed in an Edwardian architectural idiom, remains highly intact and thus provides evidence of past tastes, customs and forms.
Ranking: STATE
(NSW Government Architect’s Office. 2006)
SHR Criteria b)
[Associative significance]
The site has no known associations with people or groups of importance in NSW’s cultural or natural history.
(NSW Government Architect’s Office. 2006)
SHR Criteria c)
[Aesthetic significance]
The Australian Hotel is aesthetically significant because it has landmark qualities on a prominent site at the corner of Cumberland and Gloucester Streets. It makes a significant contribution to The Rocks precinct as a visual marker of post-resumption development along with the housing board terraces across the road. This is in contrast to earlier elements such as Susannah Place and the Cumberland/Gloucester Street Archaeological site.
The building is an attractive and well-resolved example of Edwardian hotel architecture, with quality finishes, fabric and details. The building has a high degree of intact fabric and details and integrity and as such is relatively rare, as most hotels of this period have been altered as a result of revised licensing laws and changing drinking habits. In addition, the design of the building effectively solves the problems of its corner site and differing street levels.
Ranking: STATE
(NSW Government Architect’s Office. 2006)
SHR Criteria d)
[Social significance]
Although not formally assessed, it is likely that the Australian Hotel has a high degree of social significance. This relates to its traditional role as a meeting place and abode of working men within The Rocks area. It continues to provide the service for which it was designed to not only the local residents but also to visitors to the area. The Australian Hotel and shops have social significance as an important feature in The Rocks Conservation area, and contributes strongly to the character of The Rocks.
Ranking: LOCAL
(NSW Government Architect’s Office. 2006)
SHR Criteria e)
[Research potential]
The Australian Hotel and site has technical/research significance because it demonstrates earlier forms of building practice. The site also contains highly significant archaeological remains from pre-Hotel occupation of the site. Rock-cut features and footings associated with the residential neighbourhood from settlement to c1910 have been found and retained beneath both the Hotel and shops. There is very high potential for further remains to be found. In conjunction with the adjoining Cumberland/ Gloucester Streets Archaeological Site, the remains add to an understanding of the community in this area and provide a rare opportunity for archaeological study of an early neighbourhood that is not possible in many other parts of Sydney and the State.
Ranking: STATE
(NSW Government Architect’s Office. 2006)
SHR Criteria f)
The combination of hotel and shops in one architectural treatment and the two level bar provided an innovative response to the characteristics of the site and the needs of the community at the time. The building has a high degree of intact fabric, details and integrity. Many hotels of this period have been altered as a result of revised licensing laws and changing drinking habits.
The early archaeological resources within the site provide a rare opportunity, in conjunction with neighbouring sites, to study an early and significant community in the development of Sydney and the State.
Ranking: LOCAL
(NSW Government Architect’s Office. 2006)
SHR Criteria g)
The Australian Hotel is representative of a type of building traditionally associated with a meeting place and abode for working men within the traditional mixed residential, industrial, commercial and maritime uses of The Rocks area.
Ranking: LOCAL
(NSW Government Architect’s Office. 2006)
Integrity/Intactness: Archaeology partly disturbed.
Assessment criteria: Items are assessed against the PDF State Heritage Register (SHR) Criteria to determine the level of significance. Refer to the Listings below for the level of statutory protection.

Recommended management:

The conservation of the Australian Hotel and adjacent shops and residence is to be achieved by: Preserving external shape, size, height, roof-scope and detailing of existing complex of hotel and shops. Reconstructing any missing external elements of hotel and shops. Preserving extant detail in interior of hotel, restoring damaged elements and reconstructing missing elements. Preserving extant detail in interior of shop and residence at 87 Gloucester Street, restoring damaged elements, reconstructing unsafe or destroyed elements. Reconstructing internal structure, stairs and show window of 104 Cumberland Street. Reconstructing internal room layout if feasible uses and budget allow. Above ground archaeological remains: An archaeological watching brief or monitoring program is recommended. Below ground archaeological remains: An archaeological watching brief or monitoring program is recommended.

Procedures /Exemptions

Section of actDescriptionTitleCommentsAction date
57(2)Exemption to allow workStandard Exemptions ORDER UNDER SECTION 57(2) OF THE HERITAGE ACT 1977

Standard exemptions for engaging in or carrying out activities / works otherwise prohibited by section 57(1) of the Heritage Act 1977.

I, the Hon James Griffin MP, Minister for Environment and Heritage, pursuant to subsection 57(2) of the Heritage Act 1977, on the recommendation of the Heritage Council of New South Wales do by this Order, effective at the time of publication in the New South Wales Government Gazette:

1. revoke the order made on 9 November 2020 and published in the Government Gazette Number 318 of 13 November 2020; and

2. grant the exemptions from subsection 57(1) of the Heritage Act 1977 that are described in the attached Schedule.

The Hon James Griffin MP
Minister for Environment and Heritage
Signed this 2nd day of June 2022.

To view the standard exemptions for engaging in or carrying out activities / works otherwise prohibited by section 57(1) of the Heritage Act 1977 click on the link below.
Jun 17 2022

PDF Standard exemptions for engaging in or carrying out activities / works otherwise prohibited by section 57(1) of the Heritage Act 1977


Heritage ListingListing TitleListing NumberGazette DateGazette NumberGazette Page
Heritage Act - State Heritage Register 0152810 May 02 852865

Study details

TitleYearNumberAuthorInspected byGuidelines used
SCA Register 1979-19981998B010, AR094Sydney Cove Authority (SCA)  Yes

References, internet links & images

TypeAuthorYearTitleInternet Links
Tourism 2007Rocks Self-Guided Tour View detail
TourismAccommodation Homepage2007Australian Heritage Hotel Bed and Breakfast View detail
TourismAttraction Homepage2007Rocks Self-Guided Tour View detail
WrittenBrian McDonald & Associates1999Heritage Impact Statement - The Australian Hotel, The Rocks
WrittenHigginbotham, Kass & Walker1991The Rocks and Millers Point Archaeological Management Plan
WrittenNSW Government Architect’s Office2006Australian Hotel, Cumberland Street, The Rocks, Conservation Management Plan
WrittenRobertson & Hindmarsh P/L1989Conservation Study: An investigation of the significance of the Australian Hotel and adjacent shops and residences, Cumberland and Gloucester Streets, The Rock
WrittenRobertson & Hindmarsh P/L1989Conservation Study: An investigation of the significance of the Australian Hotel and adjacent shops and residences, Cumberland and Gloucester Streets, The Rock
WrittenSCA (E C J Lydon)1992Archaeological Monitoring The Australian Hotel and Adjoining Shops, The Rocks, Sydney
WrittenSCRA1979 Building Data Sheets CU/01 & CU/02 & AP/06

Note: internet links may be to web pages, documents or images.

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(Click on thumbnail for full size image and image details)

Data source

The information for this entry comes from the following source:
Name: Heritage NSW
Database number: 5053143

Every effort has been made to ensure that information contained in the State Heritage Inventory is correct. If you find any errors or omissions please send your comments to the Database Manager.

All information and pictures on this page are the copyright of Heritage NSW or respective copyright owners.